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The Friendly Bloke Blog

Lisa felt slightly nervous, after all it is not every day that a handsome man ten years younger than herself came to supper. She laid the table and prepared the meal, poured herself a glass of wine and waited. Her stomach fluttered as she realised it was nearly time for him to arrive. He did not disappoint her, he arrived spot on time, armed with a bouquet of roses and a bottle of wine. She poured Steve a drink and they sat and chatted. She felt his cold hand brush her shoulder, her body quivered with delight . He pulled her close and kissed her. Lisa could feel the passion rising within her body. Steve laughed, "I am hungry, shall we eat"? Lisa smiled and went to finish the supper. Steve followed her into the kitchen, he caressed her breasts through her satin chemise, she could hardly concentrate. They kissed between stirring the Tai chicken and timing the rice! They ate their meal and the conversation was flowing, as were Lisa's juices. After supper they sat on the sofa and kissed, this time more urgently. He kissed her toe and within seconds they were both pulling off their clothes and lay on the bed. He had a strong beautiful body, his erection apparent to the world. The next couple of hours they bathed in the pleasure of each other's body. Lisa did not mind the fact he was so experienced in the art of lovemaking on the contrary at her age, it was welcome. Lisa orgasmed unashamedly and Steve gently made sure that she was satisfied. Lisa caressed his body and within moments Steve's ecstasy was complete.

Lisa ran him a bath and made him coffee, as he had to get home as he was working the next day. It was bad enough sleeping with someone on your first date, let alone letting them stay the night!

Lisa woke in the early hours, her face smiled with delight, she tried to go back to sleep. She woke again and decided to make herself a cup of tea. She drifted back for a couple of hours, her whole body felt alive and rejuvenated. She liked Steve, she liked him a lot. Will he be the third man in her life? Only time will tell.

Steve plays hard ball, he didn't even text Lisa. Blow it Lisa thought I will text him, this is the 21st century. He responded but only to say he was working. She decided to give up, shame as Lisa liked him and the sex was hot. Robert was definitely out of the picture as far as Lisa was concerned and she felt freer than she had for a while, she knew now that life has ups and downs and lots around the corner.

Lisa was having a home alone night, quite happy watching the tv when her mobile rang, it was Steve he would be there in five minutes. She dashed around putting on her thong or should she just leave her pants off! He came in, looking good as ever, he had been entertaining clients. Lisa poured him a glass of wine and they sat chatting and cosying up on the sofa. Steve wanted a cigarette and went outside, he told Lisa to get undressed, I can do better than that, she quickly went and put on an Anne Summers pearl underwear set, that did the trick, Steve's erection was obvious as they were soon entwined in each other's bodies. Steve was an experienced love maker and Lisa was willing to try new things, that's what life is all about. Before long her passion was so aroused that she orgasmed and moaned out loud just like a female tennis player! She caressed and kissed Steve, soon her moaned in ecstasy, they lay quiet on the bed.

Never the romantic one, he soon left as he was working the next day. "See you soon, have a good time with Lucy and Josh" Lisa said.

Lisa woke early the next day, she smiled, how did she change from being so good to so bad! She liked it!

Steve liked to be spontaneous, the next time he texted Lisa she was away, so she let him know when she would be back home. He telephoned her as she was laying on the beach catching a quick hour in the afternoon sun. On the way home she bought a bottle of his favourite Rose and put on his favourite group, The Eagles, she liked creating the right atmosphere. He had changed into casual clothes before coming round, he always looked good, grey shirt and tight fitting jeans. It wasn't long before they were undressing each other and on the floor. Steve joked "you will get sore knees" so they went through to the bedroom. Steve was an experienced and adventurous love maker, he tried anal sex again, but it hurt Lisa so he stopped. Steve orgasmed before Lisa, she just couldn't make it - she was ten years older than Steve and occasionally it showed. They talked for ages before he left, about his life in Casino work, both in Casinos all over the world and on the cruise ships. Lisa found him exciting. He left quite late and Lisa kissed him goodbye and curled contentedly into bed.

Lisa had given up all hope of hearing from Steve, it had been four weeks, the longest time in between calls. She had sent him a sexy text and bitterly regretted it - as he was having trouble with his phone and wanted to know who it was!

The intercom went as Lisa was washing up, she released the buzzer and to her surprise it was Steve, spontaneous as ever, calling in on his way home from the casino. He looked really good in his sharp tailored suit. It wasn't long before they were on the bed making love. Lisa orgasmed loudly, shortly followed by Steve. Lisa was pleased with herself it was the loudest orgasm Steve had had, he just normally groaned with pleasure. As usual he had to leave as he was working the next day. Steve had made her day, totally unexpected and always good to see him. She smiled as she lay her head on the pillow and went to sleep.

Lisa didn't hear from Steve for weeks, but she had been busy moving apartments and had more than enough to keep her occupied. She knew Steve had been to Oz to see his Mum and Dad and texted to let him know that she had moved just around the corner from him and that she would be interested in hearing about his Oz trip. Lisa had frequently flown to Oz when her Dad was alive. He had phoned her back and said he was travelling back from Southampton and could be with her by 6.00!! She delayed him until 7.00! It was already 4 o'clock, she dashed to Tescos like a maniac and bought Lasagne and salad, lots of goodies to eat. Set the table, lit the candles, shaved her legs and changed into a new black blouse and waited. Steve had been home and changed into casual wear, no good denying he looked good in and out of his clothes. Lisa asked Steve to open the champagne, and she proudly showed him around her new flat. They then sat on the sofa and before long were kissing passionately. What he did next made Lisa giggle, he pulled down her pants and started kissing her, how could she think about getting the supper! Eventually they did eat first and then had passionate sex. Steve liked the apartment and they sat talking contentedly in the lounge before Steve left.

It was 2 January, the New Year had come in with bright sunshine. Lisa answered her mobile and to her surprise it was Steve. He wanted to call in on his way back from work. God did he look good. He was in his work suit and overcoat, he could really wear clothes. After all he spent a lot of money on his appearance.

They opened a bottle of sparkling wine and chatted. He had worked over the Christmas holiday as he was effectively single and didn't mind letting the married guys have time off to be with their families. They kissed and Steve drew Lisa urgently to him, he took his penis from his trousers and said "look how hard you have made me." They went through to the bedroom and Lisa could hardly contain her passion and nearly came in his hand. He expertly teased her and made her wait. She could barely hold on and it wasn't long before she groaned in ecstasy. She worked on Steve with her hands and stroked him with Ann Summers "Shag Me" she looked at him as he lay on the bed and watched the orgasm move through his body and he shuddered uncontrollably. Steve had never had such a powerful orgasm before, well not with her! Steve had given up smoking and was sporting a nicotine patch. He went to the bathroom for a pee and she could see his beautiful strong, naked body. He took good care of himself. "It's past your bedtime" he said, teasing Lisa, it was about 11.00 and after all she was a little tired. She saw Steve off and called out "Enjoy your golf tomorrow."

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